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Community Focus Group application open

Posted Date: 09/19/2023

Community Focus Group application open

The Community Focus Group for the realignment process is a component of the overall community engagement strategy. The intent is to bring together various stakeholders representing different perspectives throughout the School District.  Members will serve in an advisory role while maintaining a district-wide focus and not advocating for a specific area.

The Community Focus Group will be comprised of individuals who represent a broad cross-section of both school and non-school members of the community and will include stakeholders such as: parents, school staff and administrators, higher education leaders, community/business organization representatives, and city/county government leaders.

The Community Focus Group application will be open on Tuesday, September 19th at 8 a.m. and will close on Friday, October 6th at 5 p.m.  The application may be found by visiting our district engagement website at and clicking on the Long-Range District Realignment project link.    

In a district the size of Cabarrus County Schools, all geographic regions will be represented based on areas defined by the current CCS high school attendance zones. Representation on the focus groups will be determined by a lottery selection. 

The Community Focus Group will meet virtually (remote) on five separate occasions to review background information, evaluate boundary criteria, and provide feedback on draft boundary options. The meetings are scheduled for mid-to-late afternoon on the following dates: Oct. 11th, Oct. 25th, Nov. 15th, Dec. 6th, and Jan. 3rd. 

The Community Focus Group can help to develop communication documentation for the general community, review community dialogue results, and develop options and recommendations to present to the CCS community and Board of Education. Cooperative Strategies’ role will be to foster data-driven discussions by equipping District leaders and community stakeholders with analytical tools—all from the same data, all with the same constraints and opportunities—so that redistricting plans are created in a productive, dialogue-rich process. 

Click HERE to apply