Visit the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s website and listen to State Superintendent, Catherine Truitt, discuss the importance of these 5 competencies:
Cabarrus County Schools’ Destination 2025 strategically outlines the district’s goals and objectives to attend to all the social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students. The Student Wellness Survey was developed in partnership with Panorama Education to measure progress toward that goal by seeking direct student feedback in the following areas:
The Student Wellness Survey will be administered 3 times throughout the 2024-2025 school year in order to support and monitor students well-being. The self-report survey is for students in grades 4 and up only. During the winter and spring survey windows listed below, K-8 teachers will complete a modified version of the survey to collect teacher perceptions of students’ (TPOS) social and emotional learning skills to promote consistent support for student wellness.
Cabarrus County Schools is not offering an optout for the Student Wellness Survey as our goal is to support and improve the wellbeing of all students. However, no student will be forced to complete the survey and no consequence will be given should your child choose not to complete it during the designated survey administration window.
Fall ‘24 survey (students only) |
Mid-year ‘24 survey |
Spring ‘25 survey |
Sept. 9th - Sept. 20th |
Dec. 2nd - Dec. 13th
Mar. 24th - Apr. 8th |
The survey for students asks questions about well-being and supportive measures. The survey will take about 15-20 minutes and you may view the content of the student survey here:
The Teacher Perception of Students survey will take about 2 minutes for teachers to complete and you may view the questions here:
The district and our schools use the Student Wellness Survey to ensure your child is supported to the fullest extent possible while they are with us. District and school teams also use the results to inform interventions and programs as needed. While unique student results are not available to view, district results can be viewed here once they become available. All schools will also use data collected through the Student Wellness Survey as part of their comprehensive school improvement plans. It is vital we listen to our students’ voices and understand their perceptions in order to create optimal learning environments where our students will thrive!
The Panorama website offers a plethora of resources to explore. Here are a few links you may find helpful:
View 2023-2024 Student Wellness results here:
View 2022-2023 Student Wellness results here: